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Manuellsen accepts fight against Bözemann

Das Bild zeigt Rapper Manuellsen. Im Hintergrund ist gauer Himmel zu sehen. Manuellsen selber trägt eine rote Winterjacke mit der türkischen Flagge drauf.

The beef between Bözemann and Manuellsen has been going for quite a while. A racist joke by Bözemann caused the good mood between the two to tip over. After much back and forth, the two now agreed to settle the beef once and for all in the ring. For Manu this is a personal matter. So money is not an issue for him.

Bözemann challenges Manuellsen to a fight

We all remember how the fight with Sinan G ended for Bözemann. Only God and he himself know what gives the Albanian the idea of ​​wanting to measure himself against an even bigger opponent. In his stream he made an announcement to Manuellsen and challenged him to a fight: "What's up, what's up, it's Bözemann. The manual thing. My boy, you've really gone too far, I must say. So look. The whole thing is now easy for me, with the internet and back and forth, I'm not in the mood for something like that. I would say: You now get the chance, the opportunity not only to show your daughter that in theory, but also to prove it in practice. Let's fight it out in the ring the way it's supposed to be. This is my offer to you.”

Manually accepted with a hard announcement

In a lengthy video announcement, Manuellsen accepted the challenge and left no doubt that he had a personal issue with the Albanian and wasn't fighting for money. Therefore he waives an entry fee and does not want to take part in any promotional events.

"I don't want a single cent. OK? No call from your management or any friends. No middlemen who try to do something too simple or to arrange it. OK? Martin will definitely be doing an event soon. When the event is over, I'd love to come there. Without run-in song. (...) Gladly my friend. I finally get you in front of my ear. But: With me there's no fanfare. I don't have these videos, 'Haha Showdown, Standoff', this, that. You can do it all by yourself. I won't take any money 'cause you just deserve to be punched in your face. For what you have done here for 10 years or 12 years now. I like being the judge of the matter. No problem. I don't know what management advised you and told you challenge me to a fight. I don't know who advised them. But he definitely made a nasty mistake - and so did you. That's why - from now on, please don't talk any more, let's keep discussing. (...) Just call me when the event is set up, when there's a ring somewhere and you're ready. Just give me a call and we'll sort it out. It's easy."

Manualsen in a tidy mood

It's no secret that racial slurs are a red rag for Manu - whether they come from fans, rappers or other internet heroes. Unfortunately, he hasn't yet come to the realization that repeatedly getting involved in these provocations spurs hyped-thirsty little minds on to something like that even more. The solution would be to rise above them and ignore them into insignificance where they belong. Obviously, Manu's understanding of pride & honor doesn't allow this. The number of his beefs is increasing accordingly. The whole thing seems to have bothered the 2m Ruhrpotter so much that he decided this week to really clean up and send a clear signal to potential, future beef opponents - words have consequences! This not only includes the commitment to Bözemann. He also bought the thieves of his motorcycle helmet in front of the camera, who were probably acting on behalf of Ali Osman, with whom Manuellsen was also accused of racist insults. Shortly thereafter, Manuellsen posted a video showing him in Rheinhausen – where Ali Osman lives. In the clip, the rapper makes a clear statement to Osman that he should face him now or better keep his mouth shut in the future, since it is now clear to everyone that he is just a bully. The former rocker club president and informant did not follow Manu's request. Instead, several police cars showed up at Manu's location. In a follow-up clip, Manuellsen accused Osman of calling the police out of fear and made fun of him. As soon as the date for the boxing match is set, you will hear it - as always - first from us.


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