The podcast "NoJumper" set up by Adam22 has developed into one of the most important platforms for rap talk in the USA in recent years. Along with a number of co-hosts, the podcast posts new daily interviews with rappers, gangsters and others in the rap community. Fans celebrate the "Real Talk", which often gets harder. There was even a fight between two guests.
Wild brawl at NoJumper
In the current episode, which NoJumper boss Adam22 moderated himself, the two self-declared pimps "Almighty Suspect" and "Kelpy the Pimp" were guests, who got into each other's hair pretty quickly. The reason for this, as is so often the case, was the question of realness - Almighty accused Kelpy of playing the role of the pimp just for more attention. Since his appearance in the interview format "Soft White Underbelly" a few weeks ago, the young pimp Kelpy has attracted increasing attention and has been touring through various online formats to build a career as a rapper on this hype. He was also a guest at NoJumper and was disassembled there by the host "Sharp", who is a "pimp" himself, in front of the cameras. Almighty Suspect also co-hosted this episode and helped demo Kelpy. But there was no physical violence in this interview. Unfortunately, this was different in the current follow-up interview. In a mutual tirade that lasted more than five minutes, Kelpy and Almighty threw savage insults at each other until the situation escalated completely. After Kelpy called the pimp Almighty Suspect a "bitch" twice, he snapped and punched Kelpy in the face multiple times. The Nojumper team quickly took the brawlers apart. Kelpy was left with a few ugly lacerations and a bloody face after the brawl. The interview had to be stopped.
Criticism of Adam22 and NoJumper
Shortly after the incident, the first voices were raised accusing Adam22 of deliberately bringing Kelpy into this situation and of having accepted, if not actively promoted, an escalation. In any case, he failed to ensure the safety of his guest. This is not the first time Adam has faced this accusation with his show. It has often been suggested that interviews are deliberately escalated in order to achieve a higher number of clicks. The current video also reached millions of people within a few hours. For example, co-host Flakko was only hired because he's known for regularly and deliberately pissing people off. In a past episode, he took a Chicago filmmaker to the point of having him spit in his face, leaving much worse to avoid. The concept is anything but new. One of the most well-known talk shows in the USA – Jerry Springer – recognized this 30 years ago and made it its brand essence to incite people against each other in front of the cameras. It would really be a pity if NoJumper would now follow this concept for clicks, as it is actually known and made a name for in-depth and authentic interviews. We therefore hope that these escalations are only exceptions and will not become the rule.
Source: KBE, https://www.youtube.com/@NoJumper