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Did T-Low witness a murder?

Updated: Nov 16, 2022

Das Bild zeigt Rapper T-Low in einem Zimmer sitzend. Er hat die Arme über die Beine geschlagen und guckt nachdenklich. Er trägt eine blaue jeans-Hose mit Löchern. Blaues T-Shirt und ein schwarzes Basecap.

Hardly a week goes by without rapper T-Low making headlines. The 21-year-old climbed to number 1 in the German charts twice with his tracks "We made it" and "Sehnsucht" and quickly rolled up the German rap market from behind. The Itzehoe rapper had his first major festival appearance at the "Splash" hip-hop festival. Even if he failed miserably there and had to take a lot of criticism from other German rappers, T-Low remained on everyone's lips. Only T-Low himself knows whether the catastrophic performance was due to his lack of stage experience or possibly his excessive drug use.

T-Low and his drug use

It's no secret that T-Low uses a variety of drugs. The rapper is relatively open about the topic and regularly posts photos on Instagram that show him consuming. It was not until September that the rapper announced on Twitter that the police had stormed his apartment for this reason. Among other things, cannabis, lean, oxycodone and €50,000 in cash were confiscated.

Sometimes T-Low is clean and sometimes not

After T-Low said she was able to walk off the drugs and was clean for a while, she relapsed shortly thereafter. On Instagram, T-Low posts a photo showing a pack of the drug Xanax. He wrote: "Suck my Xans". Shortly thereafter, T-Low showed up on a short trip with his boys in Amsterdam. That the rapper was only there for sightseeing - rather unlikely. In several Insta stories, the 21-year-old was seen consuming cannabis. In short, T-Low has relapsed after being in rehab.

Did T-Low witness a murder?

Now T-Low makes the next headline! The 21-year-old posted on Twitter that he had witnessed a murder. How exactly that is meant, or what exactly happened, is left open by T-Low. A user commented quite cheekily "The murder of your career" and earned a few likes for it. Shortly thereafter, T-Low deleted his Twitter account without clarifying whether the statement was just a hoax.

We'll keep an eye on the topic for you as soon as there's news about rapper T-Low - hear it from us first!


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